For most women the flow of milk stops within 10 days. Wear a bra that fits correctly and provides firm support.
If you go from exclusive breastfeeding to supplementary or occasional breastfeeding your body may slow milk production rather than stopping it completely.

How to stop milk production if not breastfeeding. Try placing fresh green cabbage leaves chilled from the fridge on your breasts to draw out the excess fluid. Do this sparingly so. The flavor is strong so you may want to add milk and honey or sugar.
A supportive bra can also decrease. Hand express as needed to take a little breast milk out of the breasts tissue and relieve that pressure. The emptier the breasts the stronger the message they receive to make more milk.
Wear a firm bra both day and night to support your breasts and keep you comfortable. Drink a cup of sage tea every 6 hours. How to stop milk production if not breastfeeding.
Using birth control will also reduce your milk production. Use breast pads to soak up any leaking milk. Gently massage the breasts to reduce the likelihood of clogged ducts and infection.
If the entire breast is emptied then it signals the body that you need produce more breastmilk and it will start producing the milk again. Suppressing breast milk Once your infant has been weaned off breast milk you will want to stimulate the body to stop producing it or drying it up. There are several home remedies you can try to stop lactating.
But be careful not to empty the breast completely and trigger more milk production. You can use the type of birth control. However remember that you should express just to reduce the pain.
Unless youre really uncomfortable and wanting to express some milk youll want to stand with your breasts away from the warm water in the shower too as this can stimulate milk production Some clinicians believe that applying raw cabbage to the breasts helps. Keep in mind that breastfeeding is about more than just food for the baby. Although engorgement can be uncomfortable it helps your body decrease breast milk production.
The best way to dry up is to. How do I care for my breasts. Avoid Hot Showers Some women find that a hot shower can elicit the milk ejection reflex sometimes called a let down.
Express breastmilk for comfort Expressing some of the milk from your breasts can definitely reduce the pain from engorged breasts. If your breast milk supply is well established going back to work does not have to affect your milk supply for your baby. As your breast milk contains something called feedback inhibitor of lactation FIL the excessive fullness signals that breast to slow down milk production.
That means 10 days after you completely stop breastfeeding you can expect to stop milk production. Cabbage leaves secretes enzymes that naturally drys up the production of milk. Try this technique for 24 hours alternating breasts every four hours.
Wear a supportive bra that holds your breasts in place. Use ice packs and over-the-counter pain OTC medications to help with pain and inflammation. How Long after I Stop Breastfeeding Will I Stop Producing Milk.
Hand express milk to ease engorgement. Among these remedies you will find sage. Your caregiver may suggest any of the following.
Pumping more can stimulate milk production causing more discomfort from engorgement. Its your bodys way of ensuring that your breasts dont fill up endlessly. A well-fitting bra that is not too tight may decrease breast pain and the amount of milk that leaks from your breasts.
You can either express at work and give your breast milk to your childs carer or. You can buy this at a natural foods store or make it at home by steeping 1 teaspoon of rubbed sage in 1 cup boiling water for 15 minutes. Some mothers want to stop their milk from coming in or dry up their milk as quickly as possible.
Change them as they become wet. Keep these tips in mind when trying this method. Try to only pump a little milk from the breasts.
Going back to work does not necessarily mean you have to stop breastfeeding. Apply Cabbage Leaves Chilled cabbage leaves are a great if you want to know how to stop breast milk production and soothe your engorged breasts. Stimulating your breasts or nipples while youre drying up could lead to the continued production of a small amount of breast milk which prolongs the process.
Your body wants to make the perfect amount of milk for your baby so the volume readily increases if a baby drains the breast quickly and continues to suckle after its empty. If a baby continually leaves milk in the breast the body registers this and begins reducing the amount it makes 1. Expressing milk by hand after breastfeeds or using a breast pump can help remove any remaining milk.
Does that sound like eating like a bird Breastfeeding says. For breastfeeding moms and their babies avocados are a source of amino acids essential for cell growth.
What To Eat While Breastfeeding Hse Ie
Most importantly almonds also help to increase your milk supply.

Best snacks for breastfeeding. 15 Healthy Snacks For Breastfeeding Moms. But they also contain tryptophan which can boost prolactin levels. Im biased I know but I really think these are hands down the best midnight snacks while breastfeeding.
So keep a big bag of trail mix on your coffee table end table or in your diaper. Top 10 best snacks for the breastfeeding mom 1. High in fiber vitamins A and C potassium and calcium dried apricots are a snack that surely packs a punch.
Remember I said nothing crunchy and crumbly. Try to get in a few healthy bites throughout the day and youll be back to your regular self in no time. How to Organize Your Breast Pumping Schedule.
Here are some suggestions. Snacks are often synonymous with highly processed foods rich in added sugar fat and sodium and lacking in nutrients. If theres one thing for certain breastfeeding can make you hungry.
Not only that but they also have omega-3s and healthy fats that are beneficial to both you and your baby during breastfeeding. Some of these I mix in or add to other foods others I just grab on-the-go. Obviously fruits veggies are super important any time but especially while youre nursing.
Philips Avent review. Having my children was among the most magical events in my life. Snack a lot You need to keep your energy levels up and snacking is a great way to do that.
In truth any food eaten between meals is a snack. They also contain DHA magnesium and calcium. Here are five of my favorite snacks that I always try to keep on hand.
Make no mistake about it I have a love-hate relationship with breastfeeding you can read my. Here are the best snacks for breastfeeding. Make a batch of popcorn.
Portable bite-sized snacks are best when breastfeeding. Almonds or almond butter Almonds are a fantastic source of protein healthy poly- unsaturated fats and fibre. The best snacks for breastfeeding are simple to assemble energizing and balanced.
Its also easy to feel worn down while breastfeeding if you arent eating enough its recommended to have an extra 300-500 calories a day and when you arent getting thatyou are definitely going to feel it. You can purchase edamame fresh or frozen but look for those that are already shelled to save time. Edamame soybeans are quick and easy and one of the best healthy snacks for breastfeeding.
Think nuts seeds popcorn dried fruit chocolate chips cereal bite-sized crackers etc. As a breastfeeding mama I find myself constantly hungry and wanting to snack. A list of healthy snacks for breastfeeding moms that help to keep moms nutrition and energy at an all-time high no matter what time of day shes nursing.
In particular almonds are a great choice for breastfeeding snacks since they contain omega-3 fatty acids which help in brain health and vitamin E which helps promote faster healing. Day Moms 0 June 5 2019 1144 am. Or try this Popcorn Snack Mix or Roasted Chickpea Snack Mix.
Youre going to want to stick to the soft chewy granola bars. The Best Breastfeeding Positions for Mum and Baby. Almonds walnuts flaxseed a huge milk booster and other nuts are a good source of protein fiber and magnesium.
Lactation Cookies which usually include a mix of oats fat fiber and protein are a great one handed snack to keep on hand. Make a trail mix bag to throw in your diaper bag for easy on the go snacking. An excellent source of protein fiber iron and magnesium edamame are also high in calcium.
After all its hard to cook with a newborn on your nipple. These Are the Best Snacks for Breastfeeding Moms. So eat up mamma here are my top 10 best and easiest snacks breastfeeding moms.
I love my Lactation Cookie recipe since they are a great way to use up over ripe bananas and they are easy to varywith chocolate chips or dried fruit depending on what I. Best Snacks for Breastfeeding Fruits Veggies. So without further ado here are 11 healthy late-night snacks for breastfeeding moms.
The Top 12 Best Foods to Eat While Breastfeeding - Try combining some of these foods for a quick healthy production-increasing on the go snack like a trail mix of nuts seeds and dried berries. Healthy Snacks While Breastfeeding.
There are only a few very serious illnesses that might require a mom stop breastfeeding for a period of time or permanently. Some women say their breasts look or feel empty at this stage.
Stop Breastfeeding Without The Guilt B Inspired Mama
If you wean gradually you will gradually stop producing milk.

When is it ok to stop breastfeeding. As time passes fat cells will be laid down again in place of milk-making cells and you. It is very very rare for a mom to need to stop breastfeeding for any illness. If youre truly done with breastfeeding then you should stop pumping or expressing milk as youre introducing formula to the baby.
The World Health Organisation recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of your babys life then continued breastfeeding with the addition of complementary foods until 2 years and beyond. There are lots of opinions about when to stop breastfeeding and how to do it. How do I know if my milk is drying up.
According to Linda babies are biologically wired to wean somewhere between 2 and 5 years old but many women stop before then due to the outside factors mentioned above which can cause a decrease. Breastfeeding even for a short time is beneficial. Ideally you stop breastfeeding over a period of weeks or even months.
Once breastfeeding stops the milk-making cells in your breasts will gradually shrink making them smaller in size. If you encounter latching and other issues first talk to your doctor or lactation consultant for help and advice. Your breasts feel softer than they did in the early weeks.
You cant pump much milk. So if you can try and breastfeed your baby for at least six months. It wasnt working for us for many reasonsmy milk wasnt as plentiful as she would have liked and my 2 year old son always acting up when I tried to feed her knowing I wasnt as fast to get up and put him in time out were two of the main reasons.
WHO recommends 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding and then breastfeeding for up to 2 years and beyond Meanwhile the AAFP notes that mom and baby. If you do continue to produce significant amounts of milk weeks after weaning baby you might be experiencing a hormonal issue. Ideally start with the mid-day feed.
Its OK to Stop Breastfeeding Despite the intense pressure from doctors breastfeeding advocates and other moms on the playground not everyone is able to successfully breastfeed. The decision about when to stop breastfeeding is a personal one based on the unique needs of each mother and baby. Solid foods may be introduced.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that infants be exclusively breast-fed for the first 6 months of their life. Aim to breastfeed for six months then gradually introduce appropriate family foods in the second six months while continuing to breastfeed. Whether this is when a child is six months old or three years old a mom should pat herself on the back for breastfeeding a baby as long as she was able to.
This allows your milk supply to gradually decrease as milk is removed less. I let go of my dreams to be a mom of twins who exclusively breastfed for that first year. Ruth Lawrence HIV and HTLV-1 are the only infectious diseases that are considered absolute contraindications to breastfeeding in developed countries Lawrence Lawrence 2001.
Your breasts dont leak milk or they used to leak and have stopped. I stopped trying to breastfeed when my daughter was 1 12 weeks old. Your baby will take a bottle after a feed.
However there is no set average age to stop breastfeeding the baby. There has to come a time when its OK to stop breastfeeding for the health and well being of everyone in the family. It is up to you and your baby to decide when the time is right to stop breastfeeding.
So today were diving into the subject of when and how to stop breastfeeding for you. She would get frusterated at the lack of milk at first and then she just. Once a mother completely stops breastfeeding her milk supply will dry up within 7 to 10 days Borton says though you may still notice a few drops of milk for weeks or even months beyond when you stop breastfeeding.
Stopping breastfeeding before six months If you feel unable to continue breastfeeding until the six-month mark and want to try mother-led weaning start by cutting out one breastfeed a day and replacing it with a bottle of formula. The advice can differ quite a lot from person to person and even among health care providers. Moms who have put in the time and have happy and healthy babies can feel good about their decision to breastfeed and ultimately their decision to stop.
If youre not breastfeeding or pumping it typically takes seven to ten days after delivery to return to a non-pregnantnon-lactating hormonal level.
If babys latch is good and shes just plain sleepy skin-on-skin contact can sometimes help. While breastfeeding our baby 3 different types of breast milk come to the babys mouth.
Baby Sleeps While Breastfeeding Here S How To Tell If It Is Full Or Still Hungry The Times Of India
If your baby falls asleep quickly after starting a feeding only to wake up 20 minutes later hungry.

Baby falls asleep breastfeeding. A baby falling asleep early in feedings can be a sign of a shallow latch which causes a milk flow so slow that baby quickly loses interest. Babies especially newborns fall asleep while breastfeeding due to a full stomach. Try switching your baby to the opposite breast after they fall asleep.
If your baby is falling asleep early in the feeding session here is what you need to do to keep them awake. Baby falls asleep while breastfeeding but still hungry. For babies on a 90 minute cycle of eat-play-sleep.
Some babies will sleep through the night early but will make up for it during the day so your breasts will accommodate that. Remove your top and bra as well as your babys clothes but leave the. If your baby has fallen asleep without nursing sufficiently here a few things that you can try to gently wake them.
What To Do About A Sleepy Nursing Baby. Undress the baby and stroke the back Tickle your babys feet Burp the baby Switch breasts or change diapers. It means that he falls asleep without having sufficient milk.
Studies have shown that an increase in the hormone called cholecystokinin controls the feeling of satiety and induces drowsiness 1 in infants. The movement might rouse them. If your baby falls asleep mid-nurse its safe to say that they are full.
Reasons to worry when your baby falls asleep while breastfeeding Falling asleep while nursing can be a sign that your baby is latching poorly andor not getting enough milk due to a decreased supply. It can be harmful for the baby due to the following reasons. Babies are biologically programmed to fall asleep at the breast.
Baby continues to suckle even while sleeping not necessarily suckling on your nipple anymore they could just be. Baby makes physical gestures that indicate hunger such as moving. A newborn baby died after her parents fell asleep while she was being breastfed in bed an inquest has heard.
Start the day in the same 30 minute window each day called a fixed point. These are both important scenarios to rule out to make sure your baby is getting enough nutrition. If your baby falls asleep in the first 10 minutes while nursing then wakes up crying so.
It is not advisable to fall asleep while breastfeeding the baby as there is a risk of feeding-related infant deaths. Its enough to put anyone to sleep really. For the first.
And 44 fell asleep while nursing on a sofa or recliner. Here are some basic steps you can use to move towards a schedule. Every child is different and might take their own time to get adjusted to the new environment.
If you insist on bed sharing there are. Letting your baby sleep through the night usually at around 3 months of age isnt going to hurt your breastfeeding efforts. First comes the milk that eliminates thirst and does not have very high calories.
It is quite natural for babies to fall asleep while breastfeeding during the first few months especially after a bath. Three-day-old Luna Atkins had been at home for only a few hours when she died in her parents bedroom. Mostly babies fall asleep while breastfeeding during the initial few months of their birth.
The solution is to latch baby on deeper. Their belly is full the scent of mommy is close and often they are snuggled into a nice warm place. The baby might fall out of your arms if you are sleeping while holding the baby.
The baby may doze off during nursing due to a poor latch. All this is innate and there is nothing to worry about. This is a perfect system if your baby.
A full content baby often drifts sweetly into sleep after their meal. Why Do Babies Fall Asleep While Breastfeeding. Is It Harmful To Fall Asleep While Breastfeeding.
CCK makes your baby feel full and sleepy and it is released in your babies gut as soon as they start sucking. Thats very worrisome because increasing numbers of babies suffocate when sleeping in their parents bed. Babies have no set pattern or routine for the first few months or sometimes even first two years of their lives.
Younger babies generally have higher concentrations of CCK which can make it harder to keep them awake during a feed. A study of more than 2000 breastfeeding moms revealed that 72 of those who nursed in bed fell sound asleep with their babies. Babies especially newborns fall asleep while breastfeeding due to a full stomach.
Falling asleep at the breast is a normal behaviour and is mostly due to a hormone called cholecystokinin or CCK. Studies have shown that an increase in the hormone called cholecystokinin controls the feeling of satiety and induces drowsiness 1 in infants. New-borns tend to sleep for 14 to 18 hours a day and its quite normal.
The baby may doze off during nursing due to a poor latch. Your body readjusts your milk supply based on when you nurse and how much your baby needs. Most of the time an active and playful baby calms down with a breastfeed and falls asleep.
Why Do Babies Fall Asleep While Breastfeeding. This milk also contains a high amount of oxytocin sleep. Nurse your baby shortly after starting the day.
The more signs you notice from this list the more likely it is that your baby is falling asleep before theyre full. And there is even a greater risk when sleeping on a sofa or chair. Falling asleep at the breast is normal behavior for a newborn and as a mother we need to ensure that they are awake to get enough to feed at each breastfeeding session.
Give a small amount of breast milk or fluids after vomiting and observe if they are vomiting again. Avoid interrupting you baby as they are fed as this can cause an increase in spitting up.
When Should I Stress.
Newborn vomiting after breastfeeding. Newborn vomiting after breastfeeding can be a result of switching breast while in the middle of feeding. Partially digested breast milk doesnt tend to have a strong odour but formula milk usually will. With reflux the milk travels back up the food pipe oesophagus very easily.
The good news is that this is often a common normal event. This will get worse and he will begin to projectile vomit. When your baby spits up milk usually comes up with a burp or flows gently out of his mouth.
Posted by Momnova July 23 2019 October 29 2019 READ MORE baby keeps spitting up baby spit up yellow baby throwing up milk newborn baby vomiting milk after feeding newborn projectile vomit newborn spit up newborn throwing up newborn vomiting after breastfeeding newborn vomits after breastfeeding vomiting in toddlers after eating vomiting in. Baby Throwing Up After Breastfeeding. It occurs 4 times more often in boys than in girls and symptoms usually appear between 3 and 5 weeks of age.
Newborn Vomiting After Breastfeeding Is It Normal. Allow them to finish feeding on one breast before giving the other. What is baby reflux.
The other reason why babies vomit frequently is because the muscle valve at the top of their stomach between the oesophagus and the stomach is weak and immature. Some rare genetic conditions can also cause vomiting in babies. Even if minimal amount of air is swallowed by your newborn correct burping techniques can be used to help remove such pockets of air.
Even if your baby spits up after every feeding it is not usually a problem. Pyloric stenosis is most likely to begin when your baby is about six weeks old. Although seldom seen in breastfed babies regular projectile vomiting in a newborn can be a sign of pyloric stenosis a stomach problem requiring surgery.
This helps to keep the milk inside your newborns stomach. The milk he brings up may be curdled and yellow. Katie our Medela Lactation Consultant reassures mums on on what is normal if your baby is vomiting after breastfeeding.
Katie talks through signs to looks f. Be alert to blood red or black in vomit. If youre breastfeeding offer your baby extra feeds throughout the day NHS 2017a.
When these fluids are not. A baby may vomit on occasion and thats OK. Vomiting is forceful and often shoots out of your babys mouth.
Vomiting green bile can indicate a bowel obstruction which needs immediate attention. If the baby resists feeding after vomitingwait for a while before trying again. Boys are more likely to get pyloric stenosis than girls.
When your baby brings milk back up during or just after a feed this is known as reflux its also referred to as possetting or spitting up. Kim Bell 4 minutes read. Some common health conditions can cause vomiting at any time including after breastfeeding or formula feeding.
Usually vomiting is nothing to worry about and soon gets better Di Lorenzo 2018. Every time your baby does vomit heshe loses fluids their bodies need. After vomiting feeding breast milk or liquids may help settle down nausea in babies and ease the throat irritationYou may offer water with a spoon or in a bottle to babies older than six months.
The most important thing is to keep your babys fluids up to protect him from dehydration. Babies sometimes vomit and spit-up after breastfeeding. After the first few months an unexpected onset of vomiting is most likely to.
Slowly get back to the regular routine. If the vomiting has subsided for 12 to 24 hours then you want to shift back. So your newborn may have vomited because she was not burped after the feeding.
A baby who is vomiting and sick failing to thrive or has reflux should be a cause for concern. At first hell start to bring up small amounts of milk after a feed. During your babys first few months vomiting is probably caused by mild feeding problems such as his stomach being too full.
In adults this valve closes tightly after swallowing food to keep food down. According to Mayo Clinics website some vomit after a feeding should not be a concern unless your child fails to gain weight or is uncomfortable. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest WhatsApp Telegram Share via Email Print.
In most cases this is insignificant. Spit up tends to peak at 4 months and most babies have stopped by 12 months of age. Reflux is different to vomiting if your baby vomits their muscles contract noticeably.
Many parents worry about their newborn vomiting up milk but this is quite common in babies under 8 weeks of ageWATCH our latest Top Tresillian Tips Video.
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- jeffrey
- jessica
- jobs
- jogger
- jogging
- johnsons
- joint
- juice
- july
- jumper
- jwoww
- karina
- kart
- keep
- kennedy
- kick
- kids
- kindergarten
- king
- kits
- kitty
- know
- label
- labor
- ladder
- ladies
- language
- languages
- lansinoh
- large
- lasagna
- last
- latch
- late
- later
- laughing
- laundry
- lawn
- laxative
- laxatives
- lazy
- leapfrog
- learn
- learning
- legs
- lesson
- lessons
- letter
- letting
- levels
- lice
- life
- lifetime
- ligation
- light
- lighting
- lights
- like
- line
- lingerie
- link
- lion
- lisa
- list
- listen
- little
- livie
- lock
- locks
- loft
- logan
- long
- look
- looking
- loompa
- loose
- lose
- loss
- lotion
- lots
- love
- lower
- lubricant
- luca
- lucia
- lullabies
- lunch
- lydia
- maca
- macaroni
- machine
- magazine
- magic
- magnet
- makayla
- make
- maker
- makeup
- mall
- management
- manual
- many
- mardi
- mark
- marks
- marriage
- martha
- massage
- matching
- maternity
- math
- mats
- meals
- mean
- meaning
- meatballs
- medela
- medical
- medications
- medicine
- meet
- melissa
- membranes
- memory
- mermaid
- messages
- mexican
- mexico
- mickey
- microwave
- midwest
- milk
- mima
- minds
- mini
- minnie
- minute
- miracle
- miralax
- mirena
- mirror
- miscarriage
- missed
- mist
- mixed
- moaning
- mobiles
- modeling
- moisturizer
- moms
- money
- monitor
- monitors
- monkey
- monogram
- monster
- month
- months
- moon
- morning
- mosquito
- mother
- mothers
- motion
- motor
- mouse
- mousse
- mouth
- move
- movement
- moving
- mowers
- much
- mucus
- murmur
- music
- mustard
- name
- names
- nanny
- nasal
- native
- natural
- nature
- nausea
- nautical
- navy
- neck
- need
- needed
- needs
- negative
- nerf
- netflix
- newborn
- nexium
- night
- nightgown
- nine
- noodle
- noodles
- nose
- note
- novels
- nurseries
- nursery
- nursing
- nutramigen
- nuvaring
- oatmeal
- occupational
- ocean
- odds
- offender
- offenders
- oils
- ointment
- olaf
- older
- olds
- online
- only
- onset
- ooey
- oompa
- open
- orajel
- orbit
- oregon
- organic
- original
- ornaments
- orthopedic
- outback
- outdoor
- outfit
- outfits
- outside
- ovary
- over
- ovulating
- ovulation
- pacifiers
- pack
- package
- packages
- pads
- pages
- pain
- painful
- paint
- painting
- pajama
- pajamas
- paleo
- pamper
- pants
- paper
- parent
- parents
- parties
- parts
- party
- patch
- patio
- patrick
- patrol
- pcos
- peanut
- pearls
- pediatric
- pediatrician
- pelvic
- peppa
- peppermint
- period
- personal
- pesto
- peter
- petersburg
- phil
- philadelphia
- phone
- phones
- photos
- pick
- picture
- pictures
- piece
- pierced
- piercing
- pill
- pills
- pink
- pinwheels
- pioneer
- pistols
- place
- places
- plan
- planes
- plans
- plastic
- play
- plum
- plus
- poison
- polar
- policy
- pony
- pooh
- pool
- pooped
- poor
- poppy
- popular
- pork
- portable
- poses
- position
- positioner
- positive
- potato
- potatoe
- potatoes
- potter
- pottery
- potty
- pounds
- powder
- preeclampsia
- prefolds
- pregnancy
- pregnant
- prenatals
- prep
- prepare
- preschool
- preschoolers
- presents
- presto
- prevent
- price
- primrose
- princess
- printable
- printables
- printed
- printing
- probiotics
- problems
- procedures
- processing
- produce
- product
- products
- program
- project
- proof
- proofing
- pros
- protein
- pudding
- puerto
- pull
- pulled
- pump
- pumping
- pumpkin
- puppy
- puree
- pursuit
- push
- quadruplets
- questions
- quiche
- quick
- quit
- quiz
- quote
- quotes
- rachael
- racing
- radio
- rails
- rainbow
- raise
- raised
- raisins
- rash
- rashes
- raspberry
- rate
- rather
- rating
- ravioli
- reaction
- read
- reading
- real
- reason
- recall
- recalls
- recipe
- recipes
- recline
- reclining
- recovery
- recti
- recurring
- reflux
- refusing
- regular
- relieve
- religion
- religious
- relish
- remedies
- remote
- remove
- removed
- repel
- repellent
- replacement
- requirements
- resort
- resorts
- respect
- response
- restaurants
- reveal
- review
- reviews
- rhett
- ribs
- rica
- rican
- rice
- rico
- ride
- right
- ring
- river
- road
- robe
- roller
- room
- rooms
- root
- rose
- rosemary
- roses
- routine
- royalty
- rubber
- rules
- sack
- safe
- safety
- salad
- sale
- saline
- sandwich
- sandwiches
- sanitizer
- sauce
- sausage
- scales
- scan
- scar
- scary
- scavenger
- schedule
- scientist
- screen
- seashell
- seat
- seats
- second
- secret
- section
- selfish
- sell
- sensitive
- sensory
- sequence
- sets
- setup
- sexual
- shampoo
- shape
- shark
- sheets
- shelf
- shells
- shepherds
- shirt
- shirts
- shoes
- shopping
- short
- shortness
- shots
- should
- shower
- showers
- shrimp
- sibling
- siblings
- sickness
- side
- sight
- sign
- signs
- similac
- simple
- sinai
- single
- sippy
- sister
- sitting
- sitz
- size
- skin
- skip
- sleep
- sleeper
- sleeping
- sleepsack
- sleepwear
- sleepy
- sleeve
- slide
- sliders
- slime
- slow
- small
- smell
- smoked
- smoothie
- snacks
- snapchat
- snooki
- snow
- snug
- soap
- soba
- sock
- soft
- softener
- song
- songs
- soon
- soothing
- sore
- sounds
- soup
- southern
- space
- spaces
- spanish
- speech
- speedy
- spinach
- spinner
- sport
- spot
- spotting
- spouse
- spray
- spring
- sprinkler
- sprinklers
- sprint
- stack
- stage
- stairs
- stand
- standing
- start
- starts
- statistics
- stay
- steak
- steakhouse
- steam
- steering
- step
- sterilizer
- stew
- stewart
- stickers
- stiff
- still
- stillbirth
- stitch
- stokke
- stomach
- stool
- stop
- storage
- store
- stores
- stories
- story
- straw
- straws
- stream
- stretch
- strips
- stroller
- strollers
- students
- study
- stuff
- stuffed
- success
- sugar
- suit
- suits
- summer
- sunday
- sunscreen
- super
- superman
- supplement
- supplies
- supply
- support
- surgery
- surrogate
- survive
- sweating
- sweatshirt
- sweet
- swell
- swelling
- swim
- swimmers
- swimming
- swimsuits
- swing
- swings
- swirl
- switching
- swollen
- symptoms
- syndrome
- system
- systems
- table
- tables
- tacos
- tail
- tails
- take
- taking
- talc
- tales
- talkie
- talking
- talks
- tanks
- target
- tattoo
- tattoos
- teacher
- teachers
- tech
- teds
- teen
- teenage
- teenager
- teenagers
- teens
- teether
- teething
- tell
- templates
- term
- test
- testing
- thai
- thank
- thanksgiving
- that
- their
- theme
- themed
- themes
- then
- therapy
- theresa
- thing
- things
- thomas
- three
- threw
- throat
- through
- throw
- throwing
- tighten
- time
- timothy
- tiny
- tips
- toddler
- toddlers
- tomato
- tomboy
- tooth
- toothpaste
- topper
- tours
- toys
- tracker
- train
- trainer
- training
- trampolines
- tranquility
- transfer
- transition
- transitioning
- travel
- treatment
- trend
- trends
- trichomoniasis
- triplet
- tripp
- trips
- trolls
- trouble
- truck
- true
- trunks
- trying
- tubal
- tubing
- tulip
- tummy
- tums
- tunnel
- turkey
- turn
- turned
- turtle
- tutor
- tutorial
- tween
- tweens
- twin
- twinkle
- twins
- tylenol
- ulcers
- ultrasound
- under
- underwear
- uniform
- unique
- unisom
- upright
- upset
- urine
- uses
- using
- utah
- uterus
- vacation
- vacations
- vaccine
- valentines
- varicose
- vaseline
- vegans
- vegas
- vegetable
- veggies
- veins
- vicks
- video
- videos
- vitamin
- vitamins
- vomiting
- vtech
- wagon
- wagons
- waist
- wait
- waking
- walgreens
- walk
- walker
- walkie
- walking
- wall
- wallpaper
- walmart
- walter
- want
- wardrobe
- warm
- warrior
- warriors
- washable
- washing
- washington
- watch
- watcher
- watchers
- water
- ways
- wear
- wedding
- week
- weeks
- weight
- weights
- what
- wheel
- when
- where
- wheres
- while
- white
- whole
- whooping
- wife
- wifi
- will
- wind
- windmill
- wine
- wing
- winnie
- winning
- winter
- wipe
- wireless
- witch
- with
- without
- wolf
- woman
- womb
- women
- womens
- wonder
- wooden
- woody
- work
- working
- workout
- workouts
- world
- worse
- would
- wrong
- xanax
- xbox
- year
- years
- yeast
- yelling
- yellow
- your
- youth
- youtuber
- zucchini
- zyrtec